A few weeks ago, I found out about the incredibly useful Bash variable $_, which means “the last argument of the last command executed”.
It’s kind of similar to Perl’s $_ var in some ways, and can save a lot of typing.
Here’s an example of it in use:
[davidp@supernova:~]$ ls -l /var/log/apache/access_log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33771565 2007-07-04 07:48 /var/log/apache/access_log
[davidp@supernova:~]$ echo $_
Notice that when I echo’d $_, it contained the last argument of the previous command.
Now for a more useful, real-world example – changing ownership and permissions on a file:
chown davidp:users /some/long/path/file && chmod g+rx $_
Using $_ in the chmod command saved a good bit of typing – obviously the $_ will contain the path to the file we’re talking about, as it was the last argument to the previous command.
If you’re using bash interactively, then you can just use alt+. (alt+period) to “type” the last arg of the last command.
The same thing applies to !$. As in:
$ mkdir /very/very/very/very/long/filepath
$ cd !$
Those keys are just easier for me to reach. Preference I guess. :)