I’ve been getting sick of hearing about the iPhone lately, it seems to be the only thing a lot of bloggers and tech news sites are writing about. Sure it’s a pretty nice-looking gadget, but you’d think it was a f**king cure for cancer by the amount of exposure.
This is one link that amused me though: Will an iPhone blend?
Embedded version:
Looks like this video was pretty popular, so many people have linked to it:
- http://gerbilicous.livejournal.com/134214.html
- http://www.alphagiga.com/2007/07/11/will-you-blend-your-iphone/
- http://www.tommasz.net/index.php/2007/07/11/will-it-blend/
- http://vatul.net/blog/index.php/1385/
- http://daveodroid.com/post/5495927
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A brilliant comment posted to El Reg’s story about this: