Ah, chargrilled.co.uk move quickly!
(If this is lost on you, see the news story about a teacher out in Sudan who’s been jailed (and will subsequently be deported) for allowing the children in her class to vote on the name for a teddy bear – they chose “Mohammed” as their favourite. Apparently, naming it Mohammed is “an insult to religion”. Meanwhile, to contrast, over here life sentenced reduced to minimum 3 1/2 years for beating a disabled man unconcious, urinating on his body and throwing him into a river to drown? What.. the… fuck?)
If you liked that post, then try these...
Apple introduces laptop with no keyboard
I must have one of these shirts. Thanks for the link.
Don’t even get me started on this. People can believe whatever fairy tales they like, but have no right to push those beliefs on others or make others live like they choose to. This woman went there to educate their children and they treat her like a murderer for a minor faux pas. Madness.
Ah, and now you can buy a similiar bear named Mohammed from eBay:
Didn’t take long :)