Unfortunately, Tom (or “Sumo”, as we affectionately called him, as he used to be a rather large fellow) had to be put down this evening.
He’s had a good life, but was getting a bit rough lately – he’s been in to the vets a few times, and they’ve diagnosed him with kidney failure. He also had dodgy teeth so couldn’t eat very easily, and the vets said that if he was in for an operation on his teeth, the kidney problems could mean that he wouldn’t be able to recover.
He started soiling indoors, something he would normally never do, and really wasn’t himself. Things got worse today, and the kindest thing we could do was let him slip away quietly and painlessly, so that he didn’t have to suffer.
RIP Big Sumo – you were a great cat and will be sorely missed.
This is only a few months after another of our cats, Sally, died peacefully in her sleep at home. I didn’t write out a blog post for Sally at the time, so here’s a picture of her too:
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I’m so sorry to hear this. How old was Tom?
In the new year, I think you should get a couple of very different kittens – tabby moggies, or perhaps Maine Coons (which have the advantage of also being stunningly huge cats). It will be a fresh start, and you won’t be comparing New Cat with Old Cat too much.
Also, as our plans to get a Maine Coon are on hold as we have a dog that chases cats, I strongly believe that someone I know should get one so I can vicariously experience Maine Coon-dom.
But, hey, moggie tabbies would be good also.
Thanks Sam. Tom was over 12 years old (we can’t actually remember exactly when we got him, and he was from an animal shelter, so can’t remember how old he was when we got him either – he was only little though.
Those Maine Coons look like interesting cats (and look like a whole lapful too!).