It’s been a little while, but I finally got round to updating WordPress again.
My copy of WP is checked out from Subversion so it’s nice and easy to update – I’m now running 2.5-RC3, and it’s quite slick (although it’s changed quite a bit…)
It all seems to be working well, but please let me know if you see any breakage!
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Test comment :)
I am wondering how did you go with 2.7? I have updated all my blogs since 3 months and this is the best upgrade I ever have.
I really like 2.7, works brilliant for me, and the improvements to the admin pages are really nice.
It’s time I did another Subversion update to the latest WordPress bleeding version actually!
WordPress 2.7 is much much better than any other versions and now It is more reliable and trust worthy. I was really shocked to see the new Control Panel because I was not expecting that. Anyways nice work WordPress team.