These two lazy freeloading bastards are a perfect example of what’s wrong with this country.
They make me sick. Am I being a muppet by working my damned arse off to earn money, so that a sizeable portion of it can be taken off me by the government to give to lazy fuckers like those two?
If you liked that post, then try these...
Vodafone, why you no activate new contract SIM?
That is pathetic. While (by the sounds of it) I would not want to live in their house – they sound like pigs, they also appear to have a higher standard of living that I do. I can tell you that I don;t have $3K worth of Christmas gifts wrapped and ready to go!
Wow it really comes to something when your worried about getting a job because you will be earning less than the benefits you receive. What kind of incentive is that to get a job. If they are so self sufficient stop their benefits.
I am totaly agree with this post