Just a quick post to say Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2009 will be a good year for you.
And, in case you’re wondering, no, I’m not sad enough to be sitting in front of my computer on NYE; this post was scheduled several days ago ;)
If you liked that post, then try these...
Interesting video inside an engine
Meissner Effect - amazing stuff
Happy new year to you too! It’s nice to see your first post in New year’s first day! Looking forward to you interesting posts in rest of the year as well.
Yep every year came with new hope. You just want to erase every mistakes which you have done in last year and want to start from fresh.
But you should keep that energy level till the end of this year and than only you will be able to get your target.
Happy New year to you too and looking forward for more great posts from you.
You should keep the level of determination at every stage. That level should be equivalent to when you have started some job. Generally when we start anything than we have good determination power and this one goes down as and when we face the hindrances.
Your determination should not be get effect by any kind of problems.