This evening, just for a laugh, I created a script to post short lame (but funny) jokes to Twitter periodically.
Feel free to follow @lamejokes on Twitter for amusement. It also posts as @lamejokes on (or should, now that the account is confirmed…).
Spread the news to anyone that wants amusement ;)
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Happy commercially enforced cruelty to roses day
The Twitter bot seems to have gone mad and is likely to run out of jokes.
The identica one is not doing anything yet.
Yeah, I buggered up the cron job, entering * 9,16 * * * instead of 0 9,16 * * * – what a muppet :)
For some reason, the updates aren’t appearing, even though Net::Identica seems to be indicating no problems. I’ll have a look over the weekend when I have time.
Some of those lame jokes aren’t so lame and are actually very funny. Hope you post more soon.