Just a selection of April Fools gags seen around the web –
- Google’s CADIE artificial intelligence system, Gmail auto-pilot, 3D browsing,
- Firebox’s Powdered beer, SatNav shoes, Piss-up in a brewery experience, iREMember Dream Recorder
- Netcraft’s story on browser vulnerabilities driving a mass migration to Lynx
- The Guardian switching to publishing via Twitter
- BBC’s Top Gear to focus on cycling
- YouTube’s upside-down viewing experience
- Amazon’s cloud computing for the sky
- BugMeNot’s registration required
Good stuff :)
There’s probably plenty more to add, mind.
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Friday fun post for 30/11/2007
Apple introduces laptop with no keyboard
I didn’t notice any April fools gags I have to admit but looking thought he links above the Top Gear gag and the Powdered Beer have to be the best. What a relief that Top gear isn’t selling its sole to the Devil and a shame that Beer hasn’t reached the powder format yet. Great Gags.
You’d need to be pretty gullible to fall for some of these.
But now that I’ve read about it I can’t wait until we see 3d browsing
Google’s April fool ideas are really awesome. Here is a Google April Fool search engine http://www.googleaprilfools.com/
Firefox powered bear! is also funny.