Four years of blogging…

Just a quick post to note that it’s been four years since my first post on this blog, on which my friend Jim commented:

HAHAHAHA, this won’t last long!
Like many blogs before it, it’s doomed to sit on a webserver somewhere and gather cyber dust!!

I may go for a fair while without posting sometimes, but it’s still alive, so hah! :)

3 thoughts on “Four years of blogging…”

  1. Damn it! I hate being wrong!

    Well done though mate, even I have to admit there have been some helpful posts :-)

    Can’t believe its been four years!


  2. Well done mate. I have the feed in GReader to see the updates.

    I just checked and my current site is nearly 6 years old with over 400 entries. Not posting so often these days. I still see a need for a blog in this age of social sites. I want something I have total control over. I only get a few readers, but I’m happy with that.

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