At home we have TV through Virgin Media, with “TV XL”.
As part of the package, we get on-demand TV shows and music videos, but recently Virgin have started adding adverts (for example, for FilmFlex) to the start of the videos. Sorry, what? We’re paying a fortune for the service which includes on-demand stuff; don’t add adverts to it. If we were getting it for free and it was subsidised by the adverts, fair enough, but we’re paying for it, so just show us what we ask for, without adding crap.
Time to call them up I think.
Ha! Good luck with that… They get a metric fuckton more money from advertising revenue and “no one suffers”. Just us; The little guy who has the inconvenience of fast forwarding the kak. So you’ll phone up and they’ll have to put all our bills up so keep paying the ‘lovely’ people at the end of the phone that transfer you to the next ‘lovely’ person, that transfer you to the next ‘lovely’ person, that transfer you to the nex….. “This comment is very important to us… please continue to hold and this comment will resume momentarily…” **click**