I discovered Desktop Tower Defence yesterday. This game is simple but catchy, and keeps you trying again to beat your score.
The basic premise is to defend against wave after wave of ‘creeps’ by building towers which can attack them. There’s a variety of different towers with different abilities, ranges, damage and fire speed, and a range of different ‘creeps’ with differing abilities too.
To save you a little time, the best way to do well and get high scores is by using towers to create a maze that the creeps have to follow whilst being pummeled by your tower’s defenses – here’s a screenshot of one of my mazes whilst playing the game, showing the creeps being forced to follow it:
Creeps approach from different angles (left to right and top to bottom) and you lose a life every time one manages to make it across your ‘desktop’.
When you run out of lives, or complete the game, you get to submit your name for the high score board, and you can see your final map on the Player Mazes page… here’s mine from one of my attempts:
I found out about Desktop Tower Defence from Donncha O Caoimh’s Addictive Online Games post (I’d heard the name before, but didn’t check it out until reading that post).
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So how many hours did you play this for? It does have “just one more go” thing about it, doesn’t it?
Probably spent an hour or two so far. It certainly does have the “one more go” appeal. It can also be very annoying when you’ve set up a complex maze, everything seems to be going well, then suddenly a wave of particularly tough creeps (especially the flying ones which don’t have to follow your maze) come straight through and you’re done for :(
What’s your highest score so far?
I’m not very good at it. I finished the medium level with 12 lives and a score of 5374 once but that was lucky. I haven’t come close since!
Managed to reach 2602 before dying on the medium level. I don’t think I’ve got the time to keep trying to complete it :)
Try this game out World War Tower Defence. It’s a similar game to Desktop