A biker on Visordown had a front-wheel blowout on his Aprilia Tuono. Now a blowout on a motorcycle is always a scary occurence, and something that all bikers hope they’ll never have to deal with, but this one was even more scary – it wasn’t the tyre that let go, it was the wheel itself!
“Docca” made it to the side of the road safely despite the damaged wheel causing the bike to shake violently, almost to the point of a tank-slapper – fair play that man, good riding!
Here’s the result:
It’s a 2004 model with less than 20,000 miles on the clock. It looks as though the wheel hit a kerb or something solid, but Docca said he couldn’t see anything on the road (and hitting something hard enough to do that would likely pitch the front end up quite noticeably!).
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