All posts by bigpresh

CPAN Testers FAQ

David Golden recently pointed out (based on an IRC discussion) that the CPAN Testers FAQ isn’t particularly easy to find and doesn’t show up well in search results, so I’m posting this just to do my bit to make it a little easier to find.

It covers such questions as:

  • “How can I indicate that my distribution only works on certain versions of Perl?”
  • “How can I indicate that my distribution only works on a particular operating system?”
  • “How can I stop getting FAIL reports for missing libraries or other non-Perl dependencies?”
  • “How do I contact a tester?”
  • “How do I stop getting these reports?”

So, if you need an answer to any of those questions, head on over to the CPAN Testers FAQ where you’ll find your answer.

It would be helpful if the FAQ contained named anchors so that I could link to the answer for each of those questions above, actually.

Blog template change

I’ve been toying with the idea of redesigning my website/blog for quite some time. I recently retired my old website and redirected it here to my blog. I’ve been considering replacing WordPress with something else, but I think for the time being at least, I’ll stick with WordPress, as it’s powerful and works well for me.

I decided I couldn’t be bothered to attempt my own design for the blog, as I’m not particularly good at design (back-end code is my area of expertise), so I’ve just picked a template I think is quite pretty and functional. That’ll do :)

BF:BC2 AT4-only cockaround match

On Saturday I had a game of Battlefield Bad Company 2 with friends – it was a private match, AT4 rocket-launcher only.

I have to admit noob-tubing isn’t my style and I’m rubbish with the AT4 against infantry, but it was an amusing change.

DrunkinDunkin recorded a video of the game – I particularly like the part where I’m lit up like a fucking Christmas tree with tracers at about 06:00, shortly before being killed:

Disabling Facebook chat in browser

I wanted to turn off the Facebook chat “bar” at the bottom of each browser window when browsing Facebook, as I use Facebook Chat via Empathy (a real IM client), so I had no need for annoying chat windows popping up in the browser.

Quick easy fix – I use Adblock Plus in Firefox, so just filter out the following:*=presence)

And, job done – no more Facebook chat bar!

Dancer::Plugin::Database 1.00 released

I’ve just released Dancer::Plugin::Database 1.00 to CPAN. This includes Alan Haggai’s patch to supply runtime configuration info to the database keyword as a hashref (thanks, Alan!) which was already released as a developer release, 0.91_01.

I’ve bumped the version to 1.00 to indicate that I consider it stable and ready for use in production, for those users who mistrust any module with a 0.xx version number.