All posts by bigpresh

UK2 Christmas Competition

The UK2 Christmas Competition was launched today- as we did in previous years, it’s a simple advent-calendar based idea – you can enter once per day, every day up to and including Christmas Eve.

Top prize is a 17” MacBook Pro or a Samsung 46″ LCD TV with Home Cinema System, with runner-up prizes of 3 * UK2 “Silver” Dedicated Servers for 1 year and 10 * UK2 “Home” Web Hosting packages for 1 year.

Just a shame UK2 staff can’t enter! :)

Motorcycles in bus lanes trial in London

Excellent news – TFL has announced an 18 month trial of allowing motorcyclists to use many bus lanes on London’s main roads.

From 5 January 2009, an 18-month trial will allow motorcycles, mopeds, scooters and tricycles – but not those with sidecars – to travel in most red route bus lanes.

Drivers of these vehicles will be able to use red route bus lanes currently used by cyclists and taxi drivers during operational hours.

There’s a couple of PDFs with info : list of bus lanes involved and questions and answers.

I think this is a sensible move by TFL, and look forward to slightly easier journeys!

Debian Xen guests without /dev/pts – no SSH

I’ve been playing with Xen on a Debian host machine. I created a couple of guest machines using xen-create-image (set to use debootstrap to automatically install + configure a basic Debian install on the guest), and was unable to SSH to the guests – I got:

[davidp@masterplan ~]$ ssh -l root
root@'s password:
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
stdin: is not a tty

I struggled with this for a while, for some reason accessing the guest’s console with xm console didn’t seem to work either.

However, I now managed to get console access to one of them using xm console domain, and found that /dev/pts wasn’t mounted – it wasn’t listed in the fstab file that had been created.

I added the following to /etc/fstab :

none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0

Now I can SSH to the guests. :)

Labelling FAT/FAT32 partitions in Linux

Mostly a post for my future refererence, as it took some Googling to find this, but it might be useful to others.

I wanted to view/change the “drive label” for a FAT partition. This is done with the mlabel tool from the mtools package, but it has a strange insistence on setting up “drive letter” mappings, in /etc/mtools.conf or ~/.mtoolsrc, so that you can use it as, for example:

mlabel e:

Um, no thanks. I don’t want to map a Windows-like notion of drive letters to a partition which may appear at a different device each time (it’s a USB device; the point of having the label is to not have to know or care what device node it’s been assigned this time – if USB devices are connected in a different order, it might not be /dev/sdf next time).

The option needed is -i which doesn’t appear to be documented in the mlabel manpage, used along with the fake drive letter ::, for example:

# setting:
[dave@ruthenium ~]$ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdf1 ::DAVEBLACKBERRY
# viewing:
[dave@ruthenium ~]$ sudo mlabel -s -i /dev/sdf1 ::
Volume label is DAVEBLACKBERRY

With that done, I can then add an entry to /etc/fstab which identifies the device by its label:

[dave@ruthenium ~]$ grep BLACKBERRY /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-label/DAVEBLACKBERRY /mnt/blackberry vfat defaults,uid=dave,gid=users 0 0

I should have been able to use LABEL=DAVEBLACKBERRY rather than the long /dev/disk/by-label/... notation, but LABEL= didn’t work, and I didn’t have tiem to figure out why :)

Creating HTML tables from database queries with HTML::Table::FromDatabase

A task I find myself doing reasonably often when programming is producing a HTML table based on the result of a database query.

This often ends up with the same kind of boring code being written again and again, which get tedious.

For example:

print <

my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
    "select id, foo, bar from mytable where something = 'somethingelse'"
$sth->execute() or die "Failed to query";

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    print '';
    print join '', @$row{qw(id foo bar)};
    print "\n";
print "\n";

Not hard, but it does get tedious.

HTML::Table makes things better by taking out most of the HTML drudgery, but you still need to loop through adding rows to your table.

This is where my HTML::Table::FromDatabase comes in – it’s a subclass of HTML::Table which accepts an executed DBI statement handle, and automatically produces the table for you.

For instance:

my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
    "select id, foo, bar from mytable where something = 'somethingelse'"
$sth->execute() or die "Failed to query";

my $table = HTML::Table::FromDatabase->new( -sth => $sth );

Much easier, and HTML::Table::FromDatabase does all the tedious work.

Sometimes that won’t be quite flexible enough though; you might have something you want to do to certain columns or values before outputting them.

That’s where HTML::Table::FromDatabase’s callbacks come in handy. For a basic example, let’s say that one of the columns you’re fetching contains URLs, and you want to wrap them in anchor tags to make them clickable links. Simply done with:

 my $table = HTML::Table::FromDatabase->new(
    -sth => $sth,
    -callbacks => [
            column => 'url',
            transform => sub { $_ = shift; qq[$_]; },

Another example – looking for all cells whose value is a number, and formatting them to two decimal places:

 my $table = HTML::Table::FromDatabase->new(
    -sth => $sth,
    -callbacks => [
            value => qr/\d+/,
            transform => sub { return sprintf '%.2f', shift },

You can apply as many callbacks as you need.

As HTML::Table::FromDatabase is a subclass of HTML::Table, all of HTML::Table’s options can still be used to control how the generated table appears, for example:

  • -class => 'classname' to give the table a specific class to help you apply CSS styling
  • -border => 1 to apply borders, -padding => 3 to set cell padding
  • -evenrowclass and -oddrowclass if you want to have different styling for even and odd rows (e.g. alternating row backgrounds).

The full list of options can be found in the HTML::Table documentation, I’m not going to duplicate it all here.

Currently, the row headings used in the generated table are taken from the column names in the query, but I plan to release a new version sometime soon which allows you to alias them, if you want to do so.

(The code samples in this post are intentionally kept relatively simple, omitting obvious things like connecting to the database first, error checking etc).

(This post also appears on Perlbuzz)