Meant to post about this a while ago. I’ve set up the DoFollow plugin, which disables the automatic rel=”nofollow” that WP adds to links to combat comment spamming. Akismet is doing a pretty fine job at catching spam, and I mostly moderate comments anyway, so I’m happy to provide Google Juice to people whose links end up on here :)
All posts by bigpresh
Skiing down a tube escalator
Video of some Norwegian dude skiing down the escalator at Angel tube station in London:
Looks like fun :)
Muppet sues after falling through garage skylight
OK, you couldn’t make it up. A London woman is trying to sue her landlord after falling through a garage skylight. Continue reading Muppet sues after falling through garage skylight
Poor site performance
Apologies for the slowness and occasional downtime lately – the server this blog is hosted on is a little VPS (a virtual dedicated server) hosted with Bytemark. It’s been a great little server and great value, but I think we’ve outgrown it now.
It only has 80MB RAM allocated, and watching vmstat shows that it swaps like mad reasonably often. I just had to restart MySQL, as presumably the kernel did an OOM kill overnight. I’ve asked for an upgrade to give it more RAM, which should keep things going until we can finish refurbing our new server and whack it in a rack somewhere.
How not to perform a robbery
How not to rob a liquor store – Youtube vid from security cameras of a thick bungling criminal attempting to burgle a liquor store. It’s just not his night :)
What tools are really used for
Taken from a funny post on Visordown, a rundown of what tools are really used for:
HACKSAW: One of a family of cutting tools built on the Ouija board principle. It transforms human energy into a crooked, unpredictable motion, and the more you attempt to influence its course, the more dismal your future becomes.
Continue reading What tools are really used for
Sexy new theme with K2!
As much as I liked the theme I was using before, Glued Ideas Subtle, I wanted to make my blog look, well, mine, rather than being identical to too many others. Plus, my mate Jim said (probably quite rightly) that the flowery header image didn’t really suit me.
Link request form… can they be serious?
Okay, I thought I’d seen it all, but this is too funny. The Irish Cancer Society have a policy that you may not link to their website without first filling out their link request form, ticking the boxes, then, er, printing it out, signing it, and faxing it to them.
Now *that’s* a scary blowout
A biker on Visordown had a front-wheel blowout on his Aprilia Tuono. Now a blowout on a motorcycle is always a scary occurence, and something that all bikers hope they’ll never have to deal with, but this one was even more scary – it wasn’t the tyre that let go, it was the wheel itself!
“Docca” made it to the side of the road safely despite the damaged wheel causing the bike to shake violently, almost to the point of a tank-slapper – fair play that man, good riding!
Continue reading Now *that’s* a scary blowout
Bash auto-completion
Bash allows for programmable completion, to extend the “hit tab to complete what I started typing for me” functionality. (Programmable completion was added to Bash in 2.04 beta, so if you have a Bash older than that, it won’t work – use bash –version to find out). Here’s a quick guide to setting up bash-completion to make Bash even nicer to use. Continue reading Bash auto-completion