Set flight for GGS Alliance

Forgot to choose to fly your flight for GGS Alliance?

Flight already underway, and now there's no "Fly for ..." options on the My Flight page?

Fear not - click the button below at any time before your end your flight and and you should be flying for GGS, assuming the flight is eligible to be flown for a group - i.e. you're carrying assignments.


For even more convenience, you should be able to bookmark the following bookmarklet URL - i.e. right-click and select "Bookmark this Link" or similar, or drag it to your bookmarks toolbar or whatever):

Set flight for GGS Alliance bookmarklet


How does it work?

On the FSE "My Flight" page, before you've started a flight, you'll see links to set the flight to be performed on behalf of a group (one link for each group you're a member of). Clicking those submits a request to the FSE server to fly for the specified group. I noticed that, if you've started the flight but haven't yet reloaded the "My Flight" page, you can still use those links perfectly well - *but*, if you reload the "My Flight" page (or have closed the browser tab/window etc) then they're no longer shown once a flight is in progress. So, this button/bookmarklet just does exactly what clicking the link on the page would have done - nothing more, nothing less. Thus, I don't consider it to be anything unacceptable in any way (but would of course pull it if asked to by the BoD!)

Other questions? Ask @bigpresh on FSE :)