# original ammo came from: <@lisachoo> god i hate those tbg retards <@sdw> lisachoo: are we allowed to kill them ? <@lisachoo> i wish! <@lisachoo> theres a loads of gibberish going on about who fucked or fingered who followed by outside then and i will slap you <@bigpresh> !addquote <@lisachoo> i wish ...he...fucked or fingered <@bodger> Quote added! <@lisachoo> OIIIIII :p <@bigpresh> Oh yeah, sorry <@bigpresh> !addquote <@lisachoo> i wish ...he...fucked or fingered...outside... <@bodger> Quote added! <@bigpresh> Better? :) <@bigpresh> !addquote <@lisachoo> god i ... fucked or fingered ... s...d...w... <@bodger> Quote added! * lisachoo slaps bigpresh around a bit with a large trout <@bigpresh> ave it :P <@sdw> heh :) <@bigpresh> !addquote <@lisachoo> god i ... fucked or fingered ...a large trout <@bodger> Quote added! <@bigpresh> OK, I'll stop over-using that little bit of quote :) <@sdw> i'm disappointed she can't remember which she did to me :) <@bigpresh> :) <@bigpresh> Damn that rohypnol eh? :) <@lisachoo> i dont want it :p <@bigpresh> Hence the rohypnol :P <@sdw> !addquote <@lisachoo> god i ... fucked or fingered ...a large trout <@bigpresh> Damn that rohypnol eh? :) <@bodger> Quote added! <@bigpresh> Heh :) <@sdw> someone had to <@bigpresh> !addquote <@lisachoo> god i ... fucked or fingered ...a large trout <@sdw> someone had to <@bodger> Quote added! <@sdw> :) <@bigpresh> !addquote <@lisachoo> god i ... fucked or fingered ... s...d...w... <@sdw> i'm disappointed she can't remember which she did to me :) <@bodger> Quote added! <@bigpresh> OK, that's enough picking on lisachoo now :) <@bigpresh> until she says something else quotable, that is :) <@lisachoo> bastards <@lisachoo> the lot of you