SMS::AQL 0.04 released

Finally released SMS::AQL Perl module">SMS::AQL v0.04 to CPAN last night, incorporating improvements kindly submitted by Ton Voon from Altinity.  Thanks Ton!

The changes include better parsing of server responses, documentation improvements, and a new test script using Test::MockObject to exercise the module without actually interacting with AQL or sending messages.   Brilliant stuff.

Altinity look to be a nice company  doing Open-Source data centre management tools, and actively support Open-Source projects by contributing code and bug fixes.

George Bush’s parrot

Laura Bush bought George a parrot for his birthday. She told Dick Cheney, “The bird is so smart! George has already taught him to mispronounce over 200 words!”

“Wow, that’s pretty impressive,” Cheney said. “But you realize that he just says the words. He doesn’t understand what they mean”.

“That’s okay,” Laura replied. “Neither does the parrot”…

 (Taken from a post on Visordown)

49MB mailbox size limit (Postfix & procmail)

Here for future reference more than anything else, and to help anyone who’s Googling for this.

I have my email delivered to a box at home running Postfix, and stored by procmail into mbox mailboxes.

I was finding that, whenever a mailbox file reached about 49MB, procmail would no longer deliver mail into that mailbox, instead dumping it into my main system mailbox.
Continue reading 49MB mailbox size limit (Postfix & procmail)

David Precious – professional Perl developer, motorcyclist and beer drinker